Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Among Rapists, Murders and Thieves

Last week while I was in Fak-Fak.   They asked me to preach 5 sermons in prison.   Amazingly there were dozens of Rapists, Murders and Thieves, Abusers of every type who came day after day to hear Bible truth’s be preached.    My piano player and song leader was a Rapist and double murder.   As I interviewed him he stated, “If I could change 1 moment in life it would be the first drink of Alcohol I ever took.”   That one drink became an addiction that is only controlled by daily submitting to Christ.    He says he doesn’t even remember half the bad things he did in his former life before Christ.   Why?   Because he was so drunk or strung out on other drugs that all memory is gone of those events.


My Pianist:   A convicted double murder and rapist but now free in Jesus.

Praise God!   Through the wonderful work of Pastors in the various jails this Pianist/musician is a born again Christian.   He says,   “While I may be jailed, I’m now free in Jesus!”

He gave me a carving he made out of a fallen stick in the prison yard.   Yes, a murder who is now in Christ can have a knife in his section of the jail and be considered safe.   In my hand in the picture above is the small carved Papuan key chain he carved.


Even some of the most hardened criminals came and stood outside the small chapel to hear the word of God.


Some try to hide behind the pillar just outside while they smoke and listen to the sermons.


Dozen’s flock to the front to have special prayer for their lives, their problems, for freedom.


They call themselves the Ibrani’s meaning the “Hebrews”   To be a part of this male vocal group you have to be a born again Christian.   In this group are murderers, rapists, abusers, thieves.   Many of them weep as they listen to God’s amazing grace.   I feel so amazingly used of God when I preach in this place.

In this prison they have a rule against being baptized while in prison but despite that 17 made their decision that they want to become Sabbath keeping Adventist Christians ASAP.   Until then our good Pastor Karel Surentu and his wife and children are committed to following up with them as often as the Prison Warden will allow them to come.


Pastor Karel Surentu and his wife and two daughters


It must be nice to have the innocence of a child. . . to be able to sleep amongst the criminals while her daddy translated my sermon.

1 comment:

  1. We are never too far gone for the power of God's grace.What a priviledge to see God's power to save a living color. An awesome moment!!! A mighty God we serve!!!
