Bob Roberts, mission pilot for Adventist Aviation Indonesia, never did conquer the Bahasa Indonesia language. Even after 22 years he struggled but on Bob’s last Sabbath before the twinkling of the eye nap. . . he thoroughly enjoyed himself. He read a book on John Carter during Sabbath School while the rest of us tried to listen in on the discussion. Then I saw him slip out and join the children’s Sabbath School at the Tanah Merah Church.
Tonah Merah Church: One that Bob and Adventist Aviation contributed toward building. Nears completion. The church dreams of a pastors house and a school in this important Frontier to the Southern slope town.
Tanah Merah is a church that Bob and Adventist Aviation had contributed to for their building. He was excited. . . in the 22 years that he’d been flying in Papua there had never been a planned tour of the interior places of southern Papua with Adventist Aviation and mission staff. We planned 5 stops to see 5 new locations including Tanah Merah. Tanah Merah had not existed less than a decade ago and now a city that’s rapidly developing has a small Adventist church.
Sabbath After potluck I opened with a 10 minute talk and then I invited Bob to come share ways that members can be involved in reaching others with the Gospel. Bob was prepared. He had a whole box of books and goodies. He was really happy to learn the story of a native man who wanted one of our hand wind solar powered “God Pods”.
Bob Roberts giving Wellem a hand crank/solar powered “God Pod”
This man, Wellem, has a wife who learned about the blessing of the Sabbath as kept by God’s people from creation and still will be kept in Heaven one day. Its an amazing story how God used her to share the gospel with her husband but that’s for another blog. The point is Bob was really excited to learn that there was a man from a tribe further up the river who was on fire for Jesus.
Bob pulled his books out and began to preach. . . he kept going and going. Usually Bob never went longer than 10-20 minutes with any public speech. He was just not a public speaker. He spoke of getting material into every possible language. He spoke of using God Pods and then he gave one to Wellem. He spoke of every person reaching someone faithfully every day. Bob shared more and more stories. He seemed to have forgotten himself. We all marveled because each of the Pastors from the mission and me had always been chastised for speaking “too long” by Bob.
The most significant thing I remember Bob sharing that Sabbath Afternoon was that “we must not just pray but we must act on prayer and go to where the spirit leads us. Not because we’re saved by works but because Jesus has saved us therefore we must work.”
When Bob sat down the local pastor decided to lead us in a stretching song to make sure we didn’t go to sleep now that the “Best preacher” had finished – Bob Roberts. As the Pastor lead in this “Stretcher” song (in English no doubt for Bob and me to enjoy) I happen to take a short video. It’s another “never going to happen video.” Bob just didn’t do any jigs in church. But on this day Bob was happy. Bob actually participated with this children’s song and the members loved it. Here it is. Hope you enjoy.
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