Friday, December 13, 2013

Samabusa Church

In Papua its common for churches to make very large proposals to the government to help build churches.    The plague to the church is that its made some members become lazy in giving to God.   In a welfare mentality everyone is “owed” something  but the blessing of giving is lost.   That’s why I work hard to make sure that gifts that are given are truly going to help.   Sometimes just a pat on the back and a pep talk on “You can do it.”   One of those was given by the local pastor who is like a Caleb.   He is retired after nearly 50 years of service and has serious health problems but when asked where he wanted to build his retirement home he said, “somewhere where there is no church.”   So he built his retirement home in the Samabusa village and began in earnest by raising up a small group of Adventist Believers.   Each Sabbath they met in an old termite eaten house.   But then he challenged them. . . lets build our own church.   They built their own blocks, rented a chainsaw to make the lumber and a donor gave them some tin for their roof.   And now you see the Samabusa Church raised up by a modern Caleb.   Thank you pastor Haynes Bindasano.


The original Sabbath school that is termite infested


The current church being built by the newly raised up members.


A few of the members who gathered around when we came to pray that God would bless their efforts.

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