In late August I went to Bankok Thailand for a 5 day seminar related to my job. Bankok has an amazing amount of tourists from all over the world. There is every type of tourist from Saudi harems in black burkahs with only a slit to see through to tattoo clad - tank topped French women in short shorts. Men walked the stores with their rented girls. I was turned off. But then I met some wonderful Christians who told me of their fabulous ministry to protect the innocent Thai girls who get sucked into this life by empty promises.
These same Christians took me on a tour of the ancient city where I began to understand the greatness and beauty of what the kingdom of Thailand once was before the modern times of momentary pleasure seeking tourists. It has been said that it is likely the gospel reached Thailand in the first century A.D. but today this monarchy is predominantly Buddhist. We pray that Buddhists can know the love of God.
Here are a few pictures.
The art inside the temples is amazing.
The art tells the history.
A Buddhist shrine.
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