Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sequel to Snakes, Crocodiles, Malaria and Dengue Fever

Just sent a national pastor and his wife and kids out today to a place near to where 2 of our missionaries have died in the past 3 years.   This pastor lost his first wife in child birth 6 years ago.   The baby lived and is 6 years old today and has the singing voice of an angel.  He has a new mommy who loves him just like her own.   His daddy was nervous today to go back even if this is only for a short while.   He has been the pastor in this area for the last 2 1/2 years but they had a recent scare and he sent his new wife and children out of the jungle.

I had to go cry as he told the story of sending a man 6 years ago to the nearest 2 way radio post 1 day up river because his wife was in premature labor.   He knew that his first wife would likely be dead before help could return.   He and his new new wife have a borrowed Satellite phone and plenty of  fuel for the boat trip this time around.   They are going to pack there household possessions as they have been reassigned to a less harsh environment.   Pray as we are having a hard time finding pastors to go to these types of locations.   The native tribes along this mighty river will never hear the gospel unless we send some to this place.

Praying for our moving pastor as he closes this part of his ministry on this final trip.   He’s moving to the city where Hospitals are just around the corner.    But the cities have their own set of perils.    Praying that one day we will have the money to build pastors homes that have screens to keep out the harmful critters and solar panels or hydropower and 2 way radio’s or satellite phones in every place.   Praying that one day we can find a cure for Malaria in particular.

Some of the things I’m studying to help boost our Teachers, Pastors and Student Missionaries are:

1) better ways to grow vegetables and fruits.   Just learned today that some missionaries are growing vegetables in greenhouse bags (like green house pots).   They plant a few vegetables every 2 weeks so they have a constant supply.

2) Better ways to communicate

3) Better ways to cook so that the workers don’t have to spend so much time just surviving.   Cutting wood on top of the normal everyday duties makes life challenging.

4) Better source for electricity.

5) Better transportation

6) Better ways to get medicine to them when they need help.

7) Ways to boost their moral when times are tough.    Like making plane drops with stuff for their Birthdays and Anniversaries and Holidays.

8) Someone who can buy supplies in the cities so that when they are out for R and R they don’t have to spend their whole time shopping and preparing to return.

How will people ever hear if our missionary pastors and their families spend so much time struggling to exist?    Pray for our leaders.

1 comment:

  1. May the Lord continue to use you for His glory in that area. We are praying for you and the others Darron and appreciate your updates.

    Pastor Vince Saunders
    Bonney Lake SDA Church
