Sunday, February 19, 2012

Amazing Dream


I have been training 5 lay people from each Church and Branch Sabbath School (start up churches) in 6 major cities.    We are challenging these 5 to practice what they are learning and then take at least 5 more members from their church with them to try the things they are learning.   In Manokwari I sent 55 people out into the streets to try making friendships for God.    This man came back with an incredible testimony.    He and a friend from his church prayed and asked God to show them where they should go to make new friendships for God.   They felt powerfully impressed to turn right when they came out of the church onto the street.    Then they again felt impressed they had to turn left onto the next street.    They prayed that God would show them the first person to share with by making the person avert their eyes to the left when they got close.     Soon they found their first person and they were able to have a wonderful conversation with a Muslim young man who actually asked them for prayer even though he knew they were Christians.   Then their conversation was finished and they went on down the street.   The man in the picture above stopped to visit one of his family members while his partner went to the next street over to find the next person to befriend for God.   Soon a man came running out and said,  “I saw you in my dream last night but where is the man in the brown and white shirt from the Adventist church.”   

“Oh, how did you know I was from the Adventist church and that my friend will soon be caught up to us and that he has a brown shirt with white plaid?”   Said the partner.

“I already told you that I saw you and him in a dream last night.    And the angel told me that you would be able to tell me all about why the Bible teaches Sabbath.”

Sure enough soon this man in the picture caught up with them and he and his visitation partner had a wonderful Bible Study about the Sabbath from the Bible.   The man who had the dream has been studying the Bible on his own and wanted to know more about the Sabbath so for weeks he has been praying that God would help him to understand the Sabbath more.   Then just the night before he saw the two men from our training seminar coming to visit him.   Praise God!   He is using us.   Praise God!

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